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The Cleaning Lady (episode 6)

Episode 6

“I’m sorry for disturbing your afternoon. Have a nice party” he said before turning around and exiting the building.
“Lara, you took that too far. You shouldn’t have insulted him that much” Dupe scolded her friend.
“He deserved it. I’ve told him never to come and bother me again. Now I feel so bad.”
Her new beau tried comforting her. “Baby forget it. Don’t let a little pipsqueak like that upset you. You are above him. Come on, let’s dance. This party is meant for you.”
Lara shrugged and unhappily followed him as he dragged her up and started dancing to the beats.
Kunle walked dazed dejected to the main road where he could get a bike back to his place. He was still shocked from the insulting words he had just received from Lara. He still couldn’t believe it. Lara? Say all that to him? Insult him in front of all those people? He was glad he had controlled himself there and not knocked the silly grin off the face of that stupid punk. He looked up in the sky and sighed. Is this how it is? A common girl insulting him just because she was more successful than him? A tear rolled out of his eye down his cheek. He looked at the tattered gifts he had bought her and a sudden anger began to envelope him. He threw them to the ground, chocolates, flowers, and perfume, and stamped on them hard till they disintegrated into a mess of brown mush at his feet. He tried controlling himself lest he made himself look like a fool. A couple of people were already looking his way. He quickly flagged a bike down.
By the time he got to his place, he was already seething and boiling with anger. How dare she? Who the hell does she think she is? After what they both had gone through. He didn’t acknowledge the greeting of the mallam and stormed to his room in anger. He locked himself inside and didn’t go out again that day.
He didn’t sleep at all that night. Thoughts of Lara filled his mind. Even when he was able to catch a few minutes, all he dreamt of was her. By morning, he was a total wreck. He had a bad headache, his eyes were bloodshot. He was a mess.
Later that afternoon, he heard a knock on his door. He didn’t want to get up but when it became more persistent, he stood up dazed and walked over, intent on yelling on whoever it was to leave him the fuck alone. He opened the door to reveal a beaming Sheila.
One look at him and she became alarmed. “Kunle!!! What’s wrong with you?” she asked, shocked at his appearance.
He didn’t answer, just turned around and went back to his room. Sheila followed him, still asking him what was wrong. He couldn’t respond. After a while her persistent questions were getting on his nerves.
“Sheila, don’t you know when someone wants to be alone?” he asked.
She was taken aback. “Did I do anything wrong? I’m sorry if I annoyed you.”
“Yes, you are doing something wrong. You are pestering me. Don’t bother me again. PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he shouted at her.
He regretted it almost immediately. A painful, shocked look appeared on her face and she backed away, a cry escaping her lips. ”I’m sorry Sheila” he began to apologize, “I shouldn’t have shouted on you like that.”
With a wail, Sheila covered her face and ran out of his room. He called after her.
“Sheila!!! Sheila!!! Please wait!!! I’m sorry!!!” it was no use. She disappeared and he didn’t have the strength to run after her. It wasn’t her fault at all, but he shouldn’t have taken his frustrations out on the poor girl. She was only being helpful, coming here on a Sunday, a day she wasn’t at work. His hand closed into a fist and he punched the mirror on his bedroom door, shattering it and cutting himself. “DAMN YOU LARA!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!” he yelled.

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